Actions_Workshops_Gatherings > Game and Movie Night

Feminist and anti-capitalist game night.
Feminist and anti-capitalist game night.

We played: Feminismos Reunidos created by Sangre Fucsia // Who Is She? designed and created by Zuzika Koserska-Girard // Herstoricas Pioneras created by the Herstoricas Collective // Commonspoly a cooperative game created by a "working group during the 17th ZEMOS98 festival hackcamp."

Tarde de juegos de mesa feministas y anti-capitalistas.
Jugamos a: Feminismos Reunidos creado por Sangre Fucsia // Who Is She? diseñado y creado por Zuzika Koserska-Girard // Herstoricas Pioneras creado por el colectivo Herstoricas // Commonspoly un juego cooperativo creado por un "grupo de trabajo durante el campamento hacker del 17º festival ZEMOS98".